Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Year in Review

Hello, everyone, and happy New Year's Eve!  I truly hope that you are not working today and that you have some wonderful plans for this evening.  We are heading over to my in-laws' for what is sure to be a good time.  I have spent every NYE since high school with the same basic group of people, and I will see most of them tonight.

"The Group" circa 2003
New Year's is a time to reflect and enjoy year-end recaps provided by most major TV and radio stations (if you still do anything as traditional as watch network television and listen to non-satellite radio).  I am starting a new tradition this year (based on a pre-existing hobby) to help review my own year.  (This year was a bit of a milestone, what with binding myself to another and all)

I have made photo slideshows for years now.  I have made them for weddings and funerals, for my own honeymoon and vacations, and to highlight different friendships throughout the years.  I have always gotten positive response from these, but I mostly make them for my own personal pleasure.  I enjoy the process and, just as importantly, the resulting product.

So, this year, I am making a 2014 slideshow.  It will consist of songs I discovered in 2014, the ones that I will, for the rest of my life, link to this year.  I will put in my favorite pictures of the year and, just to be safe, scan in any memorabilia that might not have otherwise made it.

I can't wait to get started.

What about you?  

How do you celebrate a year that has passed?  My old boss used to journal, and she spent the day reading through her old journals of the year.  I'm a bit old school, so I also like looking through my old scrapbooks, but since they're about 3 years behind, they're not much help in remembering 2014.  Facebook (and presumably other social media channels I am not cool enough to be a part of) is a great way to review what you've been up to.  In fact, FB even has a built-in way to do it (although some people were not thrilled about it; read more on that ridiculousness here).

No matter how you celebrate your past year, make sure to look forward to the next one.  Whether 2014 rocked or sucked, there's always hope for 2015.  Just ask Pinterest--there are all sorts of great ideas for resolutions up there.


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