Monday, December 1, 2014

Crafts & Champagne

Hello all!  I hope you all had as great a Thanksgiving as I did.  If you noticed my un-advertised post, Kevin & I were sick leading up to the holiday, but Trivial Pursuit and my brother-in-law’s impression of a gay Latino jockey made for a unique Turkey Day we won’t soon forget.

A few weeks ago, I alluded to Crafts & Champagne, and I’m ready to share the whole story with you now.  So, pull up a chair, snuggle into a blanket, and let me tell you the story of the first Crafts & Champagne: It was a brisk November day several years ago when I invited my three girlfriends over for an informal gathering.  I had, for some time, gotten the hankering to engage in some foolish, childish crafts, and I knew that the best way to lure my enthusiastic but not-so-crafty friends was with booze. 

This was no ordinary Wednesday in November.  It was, in fact, the day before Thanksgiving, and my friends were back in town from college.  As expected, each girl came with a bottle (or two) of champagne, and we proceeded to drink the day away while creating the most basic of holiday crafts: handprint turkeys, woven placemats, Indian headdresses, and foam Christmas trees.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, there is something magical about gimme crafts, and I know you all know that there is something equally magical about champagne.  Before we knew it, we were schnockered but having the best time of our lives.

We realized, through our tipsy, that this was something to be replicated, and so I have hosted Crafts & Champagne pretty much every year since.  One year, we combined it with an ugly sweater party for Christmas, and another year we incorporated pumpkin carving for Halloween. 

This year, I am taking full advantage of digital resources.  The invitation was an Evite, and Pinterest’s group board has allotted us a way to share our ideas for this year’s projects.  I usually try to buy supplies for one gimme, two easy-medium, and one more difficult craft as we have varying levels of interest and ability. 

Now is the time for you to shine!  

Check out our group Pinterest board here and let us know which YOU think is the most fun!  Feel free to post in the comments below (or, if the technology is too complex, you can always post on my FB wall J).

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

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