Saturday, January 17, 2015

Favorite Folks

Hello all!  I have missed you!  It has been a crazy couple of weeks at work, and I am so glad that I have some time now to devote to my "happy space."

Today, I am introducing a segment I'm calling "Favorite Folks."  I am the kind of person who attaches to an artist and delves deeply into his or her work.  This applies mostly to my love of writers and singers, but it also applies to painters, actors, and more.

When I first started on Pinterest, I found this amazing cartoon that bascally describes me perfectly.
I showed it to my husband, who snorted at how appropriate it was.  Then, I clicked on the photo and found the original page (luckily, it took me to the cartoonist's page instead of a random tumblr account).
It was then that I discovered an amazing artist named Cathy Thorne, who runs Everyday People Cartoons.  These are not all laugh-out-loud funny, but they are entirely relatable.  I really enjoyed looking through them, and I hope you do, too. 
Feel free to post the numbers of any that you think apply to me ;)